This version history shows what I have improved in the latest versions.
Version History:
Log 19 (new)
- New Cover-Image
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna condition of “Sequences”
Log 18 – Major Update
- Improvement to the Chapter on “Nibbāna”
- Improvements to the Chapter on “Overview”
- Improvements to the Diagram on “Overview”
- Improvements to the Chapter on “Paṭṭhāna”
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna Diagram
- Improvements to the All the Paṭṭhāna Conditions – Explicitly integrating the Idea of Nibbāna as the Fourth Paramattha
- Grammatical Improvements to various Paṭṭhāna conditions
- Grammatical and content improvements to various of the “Practical Examples” in the last part
- Added Poem to the Example on “Dissatisfaction”
Log 17
- Added new paragraph on “Mind” in “Condition of Attraction”
- Changed treatment on 4 Elements in “Condition of Attraction”
- Improved image in “Condition of Interdependence”
- Made changes to diagram on the four elements
- Made slight improvements to the “Paṭṭhāna circle” diagram
- Renamed ‘The Chain of Becoming’ variously
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna condition ‘Paths’
Log 16
- Made improvements to all Diagrams of the Mental process
- Added Diagram to “Jhana Paccaya” in second part of the book
- Improved explanation about the nature of Nibbana in relation to the Patthana conditions (in the introductory part to the Patthana conditions)
- Made improvements to the Patthana diagrams
- Made improvements to the Overview diagram
- Revised ‘Utu Niyama’
- Changed Diagram under ‘The Chain of Becoming’
- Small improvements to the initial Explanation on the ‘The Chain of Becoming’
Log 15
- Introductory Poem on Five Khandhas before the part on ‘Matter’
- Various improvements to the treatment of ‘The four Elements’
- Some improvements to the chapter on ‘The Body’
- New Body Diagramms throughout the Book
- Extended part on ‘The Life element’
- Some improvements to the part on ‘Kamma’
- New Chapter on ‘Nibbana’
- Improvements to the ‘Overview’ Chapter
- Changes to the ‘Overview’ part
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna condition ‘Foundations’
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna condition ‘Manifestation’
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna condition ‘Objects’
- Improved ‘Dhamma Niyama’
- Changed ‘Meditator’ pictures in the part on ‘The Body’
Log 14
- Revised ‘Bhumis- Planes of Existence’
- Revised ‘Utu Niyāma’
- Improvements to the ‘Condition of Interdependence’
- Improvements to the ‘Condition of Sequences’
- Improvements to the ‘Condition of Meditation’
- Revised the ‘Condition of Destruction’
- Improvements to the part on ‘Intention & Kamma’
- Improvement to the part on ‘Knowledge’
- Improvement to Diagram of Planes of Existence
- Changed Diagram under ‘The Chain of Becoming’
- Revised the ‘Condition of Correspondence’
- Revised the ‘Condition of Repulsion’
Log 13
- Added paragraph to the part on the four elements
- Added Footnote to part on Mental process
- Changes to the introductory part on Paṭṭhāna
- Improvements to beginning of the ‘Condition of Kamma’
- Changes to the ‘Condition of Repulsion’
- Revised the ‘Condition of Being/Absence’
- Improvements to the ‘Condition of Interconnectedness’
- Added paragraph to the ‘Condition of Correspondence’
Log 12
- Changes to the part on ‘The Body’
- Changes to the part on ‘Mental Development’
- Improvements to the part on ‘Nimittas’
- Some further improvements to the part on the ‘Spheres of Consciousness’
- Some improvements to the ‘Chain of Becoming’
- Some improvements to the ‘Condition of Correspondence’
- Extension to the ‘Condition of Faculties’
Log 11
- Small changes to the introduction
- Improvements to the part on the ‘Life element’
- Improvements to the part on ‘Emotions’
- Improvements to the part on the ‘Spheres of Consciousness’
- Some improvements to the ‘Conditions of Correspondence’
- Improvements to the ‘Conditions of Governance’
- Small changes to the ‘Conditions of Objects’
- New Practical Example: ‘The Foundations of Jhana’
Log 10
- Some changes to the part on ‘Intention and Kamma’
- Some changes to the part on ‘Ultimate and Relative Truth’
- Improvements to the ‘Condition of Interdependence’
- Changes to the ‘Condition of Combination’
- Changes to the ‘Condition of Presence and Absence’
- Changes to the ‘Condition of Faculties’
- Improvements to the ‘Conditions of Foundation and Repetition’
- Recommendations for the creation of a meditation diary in the part on Practical Application
Log 9
- Some improvement to the part on Dreams
- Improvements to the part on Concepts
- Added Part: ‘Good and Bad’
- Improvements to the part on Kamma
- Improvements to the part on ‘Spheres of Consciousness’
- Key Questions at the end of first section
- Improvements to ‘Condition of Correspondence’
- Major changes to the ‘Condition of Sequences’
- Changes to ‘Condition of Presence and Absence’
- Improvements to ‘Condition of Combination’
- Improvements to ‘Condition of Repetition’
- Small improvements to Conditions of Foundation and Objects
Log 8
- New Practical Example ‘Development of Faculties 2’
- Improvements to the part on ‘Mental Processing’
- Added Concluding part to Patthana Conditions ‘Keys to the Patthana Conditions’
- Small improvements to the introduction
- Improvements to the part on ‘Emotions’
- Added Footnote to ‘Concept’ Part
- Improvements and new diagrams to the ‘Chain of Becoming’
- Change of Condition of ‘Contact’ into ‘Combination’
- Changes to Condition of ‘Foundation’
- Improvements to ‘Condition of Presence and Absence’
- Various Improvements to ‘Condition of Governance’
- New Practical Example on the ‘Development of Faculties’
Log 7
- Various changes to the part on ‘Knowledge’
- Explanatory Paragraph about Four Elements in the introductory part of Paṭṭhāna
- Treatment of four elements under all of the Paṭṭhāna conditions (Now the Paṭṭhāna Conditions may become comprehendible for any one who has gained some comprehension of the four elements)
- Various changes to the ‘Condition of Fuel’
- Change ‘Anantara Condition’ into ‘Condition of Contact’
- Various Changes to ‘Condition of Latency’
- Almost entire change to ‘Condition of Objects’
- Some changes to ‘Condition of Governance’
- Practical Example on ‘Using the Condition of Correspondence to extend one’s understanding of the Four Elements’
- New Practical Example: ‘Using the Sequences Condition to work out a better understanding’
Log 6
- New Practical Example on the Condition of Attraction
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna Conditions of Attraction
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna Conditions of Repulsion
- Some changes to the ‘Condition of Repetition’
Log 5
- Added Paragraph plus smaller changes to Preface
- Various smaller improvements to the part on the four elements
- Change of the beginning paragraph on ‘the body’
- Some improvements to the part on ‘Dependent Origination’
- Improvement to the ‘Condition of Latency’
- Improvement to the ‘Condition of Manifestation’
- Improvement to the ‘Condition of Fading and death’
- Small improvements to the ‘Condition of Meditation’
- Much change to ‘Condition of Attraction ‘
- Almost complete change of the ‘Condition of Retention’
- New Practical Example: ‘Use of the System for Organising Meditation Retreats’
- Added Paragraph to Practical Example ‘Acquiring Knowledge’
Log 4
The most important changes are, the new title, title page and a much more complete third part of the Niyama. But other changes are:
- Various changes to the Preface
- Improvements to the introduction
- Changes in the part on Elements to the water element throughout and to the paragraph on flavours
- Changes to the part on Mental Processing
- Change throughout the book ‘designation’ for ‘classification’ as a part of the mental process
- New Overview Diagrams in the part on ‘Mental Development’
- Some improvements to the part on ‘ Dependent Origination’
- Simplified the Paṭṭhāna Diagrams
- Change to the order of the Paṭṭhāna conditions
- Various improvements to the Paṭṭhāna Conditions Pair of Presence-Absence
- Improvement to the ‘Condition of Continuity’
- Small change to Kamma-Vipāka Condition
- Small new paragraph under ‘Faculty of knowledge’ (faculty condition)
- Small improvement to ‘Object Condition’
- Various changes to the Condition of ‘Fading and disappearance’
- Change to ‘Faculty Condition’ of ‘Positivity’ and ‘Evilness’
- Change to the paragraph on Jhāna factors in ‘Condition of Meditation’
- Extended Practical Example on ‘Acquiring Knowledge’
Log 3
- Improvement to the part on the four elements
- Minor changes to ‘Vitality’
- Improvements to the part on ‘Emotions’
- Improvements to the Paṭṭhāna Condition of Presence/Absence.
- Improvements to Paṭṭhāna conditions of ‘Foundation’, ‘Correspondence’, ‘Interdependence’
Log 2
- Fixed Table of Contents
- Change to the picture of the four elements
- Added new paragraph on the sequence of Jhāna factors to the Jhāna Paṭṭhāna condition
- Change to the text and pictures in ‘Condition of Foundations’
- Almost entirely renewed conditions of ‘Correspondence’ (formerly Condition of Mutuality) and ‘Interdependence’ (formerly condition of dependence)
- Improvement to ‘Condition of Synchronicity’
- Added example on Dependent Origination to the part on practical application
Log 1
- Since the first few versions (2019) the book is probably about 80% a different book
- I’ve improved upon the preface and the introduction (which is yet not yet to my satisfaction). I have made repeated improvements to my elaboration on the four elements, including an exposition on how to contemplate them in relation to the 5 senses. I added a new heading of ‘vitality’ and extended upon the part on bodily processes. I have put in a chapter on the life continuum, especially in relation to dreams and imagination. I have added various new chapters or headings in the part on mind, such as treatment on ‘concepts’, on ‘kamma’, on ‘time’, on ‘learning’, ‘knowledge’, ‘intuition’, and on ‘nimittas’. I have added some more paragraphs on ‘bhumis’. And I have added a better overview over the system at the end of the first part. The Paṭṭhāna conditions (the second part of the book), I also continuously improve upon. For example I changed the names for ‘disappearance condition’ and ‘non-disappearance condition’ to ‘condition of fading’ and ‘retention’ (the last one I especially made recent changes to). Similarly with the conditions of ‘attraction’ (Sampayutta) and ‘repulsion’ (Vippayutta). I also seriously revised the ‘Path condition’. And my treatment of the ‘root condition’, also variously improved, in that, I believe, it now can perfectly do away with some of the clumsy expositions on consciousness of the Abhidhammattha Sangaha (esp. Kāmāvacaracittāni)…
- I also added various new examples to the last section on practical application. Namely: A treatment on ‘Acquiring knowledge’, ‘Psychology of a celibate’s demon’, ‘Working out the Pathway to Heaven’, a further practical example on ‘the four elements’ and some examples on making Dhamma concepts real.