Aññamañña Paccaya – Correspondences in nature and the Power of thinking in Analogies

Aññamañña Paccaya – Correspondences in nature and the Power of thinking in Analogies
Aññamañña Paccaya – Correspondences in nature and the Power of thinking in Analogies

In this Dhamma talk, I discuss correspondences in nature and how thinking in analogies can be a valuable aid on the path to enlightenment. This talk is part of my Paṭṭhāna series, focusing on the Paṭṭhāna condition Aññamañña Paccaya.

For a better understanding of the meaning of the Paṭṭhāna I suggest listening to the two talks: Basics of Buddhist Philosophy and Paṭṭhāna- The Grammar of Insight, or to read my book Paramattha, which can be downloaded for free in the books section (https://highermindart.info/books).