Keys to the Higher Life

Keys to the Higher Life
Keys to the Higher Life

This book, although not Abhidhamma in style, has yet been the preparatory work on my mind for my desired journey to explore the Abhidhamma system.

It is a book about religion, about philosophy, spirituality, personal growth, and devotion to the higher life.

In it, I tried to show, that religion, or the spiritual life, too has its laws, just as those  laws of nature discovered by science in regards to the physical universe.
Thus, it is especially an attempt to move the practice of the religious or spiritual life away from the mere blind following of rigid formalised methods on the one hand, as well the equally blind experimenting of the few bold explorers on the other, into a world of discoverable laws.

In this book you will find ideas about the universe, about the mind, the body, and about meditation…about Buddhism and, a bit, about other philosophies.


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