The term Āsevana means both repetition and practice.
Repetition is what establishes, makes strong and develops, both in regards to mind and matter. And, in its own boundaries, whatever it is that is repeated, becomes gradually easier with each repetition.
Starting small, beginning again with a consideration of the four elements, we may acquire the first simple comprehension of this condition. Understanding the element of air to be the element representing change, movement and direction and the element of earth representing limitation and concreteness, one will see this condition for the most part as a dynamic of these two elements. That is, repetition means a limited forward movement of something concrete, with the forward movement perishing again and again, just to begin ever new at its starting position. While the earth element accumulating wherever the forward movement stops.
But then again we may divide repetitions into four kinds. First, there are earthy repetitions, such are all (mechanical) habits (some of which are mentioned next). Then there are fiery repetitions, an example of which are human vices, as any form of cyclical destruction. Further, there may be watery repetitions, such are on the human-level engagements, especially marriages or family bonds, wherein the feeling element (represented by the element of water) increases with the repetitions. But on a grander scale, it also comes as cyclical rejuvenation as becomes yearly manifest during the time of spring. And finally, there may be airy repetitions, an example of which will on a human level be learning, or the execution of any kind of skill. But on a grander scale it will also represent any gradual refinement as can be seen in the prospering periods of all civilisations, wherein technology and increased knowledge allow for ever more refined activities. The element of increase is brought about through the condition of repetition.
Repetition is indeed built into the fabric of existence. On a grand scale, is the yearly recurrence of the seasons an example of the universality of this condition. Stars, sun systems and planets, all are machineries of ever-repeating revolutions.
In fact the whole universe is a machinery of cyclic repetitions.
Life phenomena too are phenomena of ever-repeating patterns. Cells eat, excrete and reproduce. And then again eat, excrete and reproduce. Then they slowly die and get replaced by cells which follow those same patterns.
Likewise, do organs repeat in cycles their respective activities. And only when all the organs of a body steadily follow their repetitions, the body as a whole, can make repeated and steady steps.
With the mind, it is no different. Many, if not all of us, have experienced thoughts or emotions that seem to relentlessly pursue or even harass us. Only a few possess mastery over that. Yet, when it comes to consciousness, we do attempt to harness repetition. After all, what is learning if not the deliberate choice of what we wish to have arise in the mind more often? Through mental repetition or practice, a being becomes capable of learning. It is through repeated engagement with what is learned that skills develop. Through the repetition of decisions about what is right or wrong, virtues or vices are cultivated.
Thus, it is only through repetition that the various paths in life unfold. A person choosing a path—be it spiritual or worldly—is ultimately choosing what they will do repeatedly over long periods of time.
But then there is not only the individual path of repetition. When many individuals posses various skills, each performing his at regular intervals, a group or society as a whole is starting to make progress. And when these repetitions of a whole group or society become established, the group or society will outlive its individual constituent bodies.
Nevertheless, even civilisations arise, grow and prosper, only to gradually decline and die. Just to get succeeded by a civilisation which, following the same pattern, will usually yet take the process a little bit further than its predecessor.
Furthermore, will indeed, in the end all sentient life come to an end and even the universe itself will perish one day. Doubtlessly to be succeeded by another one following similar patterns.
Nonetheless, even though repetition is such an integral part of the fabric of the phenomenal world, as we free ourselves from identification with that world, both the need for- and the compulsiveness of repetition gradually cease. Nibbāna, the unconditioned, is a reality free from arising, free from ceasing, and hence from all repetition.