Wisdom of the elements

From Greece, to Native America, from Egypt to India, the idea of four fundamental elements which form the foundation for understanding the natural world, is so universal, that a study of them might be an not unrewarding pursuit.


The Four Elements

Matter Since time immemorial, or at least since the arising of the first traces of mind, what the mind pays attention to, is what we now call matter. Thus, since…


Keys to the Abhidhamma System

This blog is an outline of the Buddhist Abhidhamma. Its aim is to show a method of contemplation, giving those who are inclined to meditate on the Abhidhamma, subjects or headings for meditation, all of which point in a definite direction, one subject providing a basis for the next.


Teachings on Matter

The 4 Elements The four elements were known to most cultures of the past (although in some cultures there were 5). To get any handle on matter, making it an…


Of Gods and Demons

It is in the mind's thought Where earth’s fate is wroughtIn the war between light and darkThere seek to understand each sides mark Where gods and demons seek become the…