Nissaya Paccaya- The Foundations of the World

Nissaya Paccaya- The Foundations of the World
Nissaya Paccaya- The Foundations of the World

In this Dhamma talk, I explore the foundations of the world—how everything arises based on a foundation of something else. As part of my Paṭṭhāna series, I translate the Pāli word nissaya as “foundation.” Following the pattern of previous Paṭṭhāna conditions, I examine how the concept of “Foundations” relates to the four ultimates (paramattha) of Abhidhamma philosophy: Matter, Mind, Consciousness, and Nibbāna.

For a deeper perspective, I recommend reading my book or listening to my introductory talks on Abhidhamma: “Basics of Buddhist Philosophy” and “Paṭṭhāna – The Grammar of Insight.”