Indriya Paccaya – Condition of Faculties
Faculties refer to the various capacities and powers a person, or more accurate, mental or material phenomena, may possess. Through past intentions to do, to see, to hear, feel and…
Faculties refer to the various capacities and powers a person, or more accurate, mental or material phenomena, may possess. Through past intentions to do, to see, to hear, feel and…
Adhipati paccaya, reigning or governing condition, describes the condition of one thing, that is either an outer object or condition, or internal mental factors, such as desire, exertion, investigation or…
Wherever mental or material phenomena exist in a relation of synchronous alignment, they will share certain qualities with each other. All such phenomena are grouped under this relation. In ordinary…
Nutriment or Fuel condition refers to the way in which a particular physical thing or mental state or process is supported in its further growth. Most people will have had…
All phenomena in manifest existence posses some amount of duration, long or short. The continuation of certain characteristics that occur in the course of that duration, is what is called…
All phenomena sooner or later come to a condition of fading, dying and disappearance. And becoming thus, they are instances of this condition. This condition may perhaps equally be translated…
No phenomenon is a single isolated unit. All things are interrelated. And being thus, the condition of one thing depends on the conditions of various other things. Using the consideration…
The term Āsevana means both repetition and practice. Repetition is what establishes, makes strong and develops, both in regards to mind and matter. And, in its own boundaries, whatever it…
Presence Condition (or condition of being) is referring to the existence of mental and material phenomena in the limited space of the "Now". While the condition of absence is referring…
Whenever one phenomenon, by virtue of its own qualities, pulls another phenomenon towards itself, it is called attraction. On all the conceivable scales of life, can there be found this…