Notes on Iddhi Padas (Roads to Success)

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If while observing yourself and remembering your dhamma practice, you of and on formulate a desire, such as ‘may I realize, what I have not yet realized’, or more concretely ‘may I see the light of wisdom in my meditation’ or ‘may I experience meditative ecstasy’ …(‘accompanied by an effort of will ‘)…you are practicing ‘chanda-iddhi-pada’

If while observing yourself and remembering your dhamma practice, you make effort predominant, in such a way, that whenever you perceive within yourself an unwholesome state of mind, you produce strong energy and put forth great effort to destroy and annihilate it, as well as you put forth great effort to make wholesome states to arise and see to it, that they remain within you,…you are practicing ‘viriya- iddhi-pada’

If while observing yourself and remembering your dhamma practice, you make your mind the predominant factor, developing ever wholesome emotions, pure states of mind…more spaciousness of mind etc. (‘accompanied by an effort of will ‘)…you are practicing ‘citta iddhi-pada’

If while observing yourself and remembering your dhamma practice, you make investigation the predominant factor…reading books, as to find out about what you should be doing, investigating good teachings …asking of and on somebody you think, that he might know,…’this is my condition, how should I proceed from here?’…(‘accompanied by an effort of will ‘)…you are practicing vimamsa-iddhi-pada.

If you just lay in bed, with heavy body, perhaps full stomach after your meal, thinking “Ohh, wouldn’t it be nice if I could fly”,…that would be called strong delusion, and it will be going in the opposite direction of any path to attainment.

All things revolve around mindfulness, which, means you observe and remember yourself (gaining self-knowledge)…only this way you can understand what aspiration, effort etc. is realistic for your own situation.

Doing in this way….out of the chaos of life /out of the chaos of your own mind …through this thick jungle…you dig yourself a path (/road) to succeeding in reaching whatever goal you have formulated to yourself, or whatever destiny was inherent in the direction of your efforts, mind or enquiry.

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