Bhavanga to Samadhi

Bhavanga to Samadhi

The bhavanga is one key concept of Buddhist thought. Usually translated as life-continuum, it is more literally ‘that wherein one’s life is rooted’. It is in fact referring to the same phenomenon that in modern times is called the subconscious mind. In other places I sometimes used the word “life-stuff” (especially in relation to the vibrating bhavanga), to indicate, that the essential nature (or characteristic) of this part of the mental process is, that it is engaged with life problems and life experiences. Here I only want to show in pictorial form, where this particular teaching of Buddhist thought is fitting in relation to the practice of meditation. The subject of the bhavanga itself is treated more extensively in my post ‘Keys to the Abhidhamma system’ and in my book ‘Paramattha’.

Bhavanga to Samadhi
Bhavanga to Samadhi
Bhavanga to Samadhi
Bhavanga to Samadhi
Bhavanga to Samadhi
Bhavanga to Samadhi
Bhavanga to Samadhi

Whenever there is a pleasant feeling in your body (due to past wholesome kamma) and you, becoming aware of it contemplate its benefit for your spiritual path,…you develop supporting wholesome kamma… Whenever you experience unpleasant feelings in your body,…and you can yet keep your mind positive, then wholesome kamma develops (and the continuation of the unwholesome kamma is obstructed).

Yet, people who are for a long time stuck in a situation corresponding to the previous diagram, are generally not well advised to focus only on meditation, as a lack of variety in experience usually will lead to dulling and blunting of the faculties. In that case more coarse activities and some amount of study will become necessary. For people whose faculties have become sharp…those faculties can take on the work of making even apparently very dull experiences interesting and thus are able to work with even quite uniform and repetitive experiences in a beneficial way.

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